Saturday, August 6, 2011

Victini: Part of a Larger Purpose.

For those following this thread, you have heard that Victini has joined up with Black Knight and Deoxys to become playable character in yet another Nintendo All-Star game; Super Smash Bros. 4. However, Victini has more allies then just those three.

Above is Project Character Alliance Movement. It is a grassroots campaign dedicated to the inclusion of not only Victini, Black Knight, and Deoxys, but also King K. Rool, Lip, Toad, Saki Amamiya, Slime and Chocobo, and Roy. All of these characters are being pushed by dedicated members of these characters with dreams to have these characters fight along the likes of Mario, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Olimar, Sonic, and Marth. If you support inclusion of these character, please join us with PCAM as we work to ensure that the characters we wish to see makes the cut.

We hope that you join us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Update #1

First off, I want to say thanks for signing the Victini, Black Knight, and Deoxys petition (The latter can be found on Operation Hoenn Rising). Your support is very much appreciated and we hope to gain more supporters for this cause.

Secondly, we plan on bringing Project Unova to numerous sites. These are:
- Smash World Forums (Which has been mostly successful)
- GameFAQs (The biggest Smash community)
- Serabii (The biggest Pokemon community)
- Youtube (A great place to advertise Project Unova)
- Nsider2 (Another great place to bring Project Unova to)

These sites are a great place to campaign for Victini's inclusion as a playable character. We look forward to seeing this campaign grow and mature; not to mention your suggestions on which sites to tackle.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Unexpected Allies.

Victini is not the only character that I would recommend you show your support towards. Project Unova is not just a project to get Victini in, it's a project to have our voice heard and to be able to play a larger role in deciding character selection for Super Smash Bros. 4 and future titles, not to mention unite the Super Smash Bros. community in a goal to get their favorite character in Smash to help improve the roster and to help ensure the Nintendo All-Star reputation the franchise has been known for.

With this, there are two other sites Project Unova is currently working with. One of them is Project Begnion, a site dedicated to increasing support for Black Knight's inclusion for Super Smash Bros. 4. Another is Operation Hoenn Rising, a site made to push for a 3rd gen Pokemon to finally be made playable, with most of the focus going towards Deoxys, a highly requested character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl that was unfortunately given the Pokeball treatment when it should have been a playable character. We are aiming for not only Victini's inclusion, but also to help get Black Knight in and to prove that Victini's inclusion will help expand the Pokemon roster.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Project Unova Campaign

Project Unova is a collaboration with Project Begnion, a group dedicated to Black Knight's (Fire Emblem) inclusion as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4. We encourage cross support between the two groups.

Project Unova is a grassroots campaign by the fans to create hype and fan appeal for the inclusion of Victini in the upcoming Nintendo All-Star fighting game called Super Smash Bros. 4, recently announced for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii-U.

Victini is a legendary Fire/Psychic "Victory" Pokemon that appeared in the critically acclaimed Pokemon: Black and White and will hopefully follow the footsteps of the other Pokemons playable in Super Smash Bros. titles; Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer (Red), and Lucario.

Through this campaign, we can accomplish several things for the future of Pokemon. The first of them and the most direct, is the inclusion of Victini as a newcomer where it will fight among the likes of Mario, Link, Kirby, Pikachu, and many other Nintendo All-Star characters. But there is more to this campaign then just to get Victini in SSB4 as a playable character. This campaign is also design to help give Pokemon more of a variety with it's move set and show that you do not have to be a humanoid Pokemon to be a newcomer. This will also increase the chance of one of Lucario, Deoxys, or Mewtwo making their return as a playable character in SSB4, the latter of which have been highly demanded for his return and many people want at least one of them to return as playable characters. Most importantly, it will help ensure that Pokemon will have the five slots that it's due for and deserves, to prevent a cycle of only four slots for Pokemon and the latest gen Pokemon being replaced in the next game; not to mention prevent long-term bitterness among fans in regards to the situation of Pokemon in Smash.

For those hoping for more expansion of Pokemon characters, Victini's inclusion as a playable character will help ensure that it occurs. We hope that you join us in our push for Victini's inclusion. And with that, an adventure begins.